Feb 29, 2012
Feb 26, 2012
Weekly Announcements!
Hello, ladies!
okay, where do I begin...
This week's meeting is NOT at the JCC, it is at my house!
4819 kathleen ct in Long Grove, to be exact.
hope to see you all there at 7:00 :)
You will be paired up with an Ahavah sister, and together you will enjoy some terrific programs!
Coming up on March 3rd, is the Chaverim & Barney Ross Purim party!!
This is a great way to spend time with the region, and have a great night!
transportation will be provide. the ONLY bus available will be leaving from the Northbrook JCC at 6:00
THE THEME IS 90's!!! TIME TO GET GRUNGY! so, probably what you all wore to hipster night. haha :)
***If you need to take the bus, please sign up on B-linked here.
** if you are not taking the bus, the party is at temple Anshe Sholom in Flossmoor from 7pm-10pm.
Cost is $15 ($10 if you bring a nonperishable item to donate for the chapters' Stand UP causes)
Ice Skating & Broomball
No School on Pulaski Day? No Problem!
Open to all Jewish 6th-12th graders
When: Monday, March 5th 12:00-2:00pmWhere: Glacier Ice Arena
670 Lakeview Pkwy, Vernon Hills, IL
670 Lakeview Pkwy, Vernon Hills, IL
Cost: $16 for Pizza and Pop, broomball and ice skating equipment and rental
RSVP to Samantha by
Thursday, March 1st
For more information contact Samantha Isenstein:
(thank you, sunday scoop!)
I hope you all are getting ready for the taste of bbyo :)
please take the time to fill this out for Jen if you can go on March 18th
So our March 7th meeting will be at Sammi & Sydney's house! We will be learning how to make hamentashens to celebrate purim. Let Sammi know if you would like to help plan
Summer is quickly approaching, don't miss out on one of BBYO's excellent Summer Experiences. GMR has need and merit based scholarship funds for CLTC, ILTC & Kallah.
To apply, please fill out this application.
If your son/daughter registers for Impact: Chicago or Impact: DC, they automatically qualify for an Impact scholarship.
Check out our Programs!
Stacy Heller
Ben Kozberg
Check out our new Charity Awareness page on the website! Also, the new girls of the week bios are up!
so, so, so many updates.
and i think that's about it!
with undying love for surprise parties, van halen concerts, and project runway,
I remain, emma jane schneider :)
MBA Spa Night
Pro: We made delicious face masks

Con: We didn't get a lot of time for good & welfare, and the masks were sometimes hard to get off.

Auto: We painted our nails, and each color represented something different that made you a polished BBG. We made face masks that tasted delicious. We swam in Baker's hot tub, and ended the night with a program about insecurities called "behind the mask," followed by a good & welfare.
PCA by Gabrielle and Olivia, pictures by Leah
thanks girls!
Con: We didn't get a lot of time for good & welfare, and the masks were sometimes hard to get off.
Auto: We painted our nails, and each color represented something different that made you a polished BBG. We made face masks that tasted delicious. We swam in Baker's hot tub, and ended the night with a program about insecurities called "behind the mask," followed by a good & welfare.
PCA by Gabrielle and Olivia, pictures by Leah
thanks girls!
Feb 22, 2012
TONIGHT there is a meeting at the JCC at 7:00!
February 25th is Carly Rosenberg's 18th birthday!!!
(and tyler's birthday)
February 26 we are having an awesome event with Ometz AZA! More deets will be put on the website soon
Though this is in the future, I need to get y'all sásta (excited)!!!
Im sure you're all wondering why some of this email is in Irish. Its beccauuuuseeee....
The Taste of BBYO is coming up on March 18th at the Northbrook JCC
**Everyone will get the opportunity to get a 'taste' of what BBYO is like all over the world while eating awesome worldly foods.
**Ahavah will be representing the country IRELAND, and everyone can help out!
**We need people to help come up with recipes, cook, decorate our table, and find out stuff about BBYO in ireland. If you're interested let Jennifer know! (contact info in website)
I have been getting a lot of great personals/ top 10's/pro.con.autos from you guys, and theyre awesome!!!
keep um comin' girls!!
So Olivia is becoming a bat mitzvah in may! For her project, she is raising money and doing a 5K walk for Brain Tumor Awarness at Melrose Harbor in Chicago on May 12. Click here to register!!if you can't go but you would like to donate or see Olivia's team page, click Team Yvonne (on the left of her name). SHE REALLY HOPES YOU ALL CAN COME! comment if you can. It's going to be amazing!
With undying love for IC 2012, GMR, ahavah, tyler, Chick-fil-A in the durty south, REAL FOOD, my new BBG necklace, and sweet home chicago,
i remain Emma Jane Schneider
Feb 21, 2012
BBYO Summer Experiences

Plan and do unique community service and philanthropy for 2 weeks in the city of your choice! (3 weeks for Israel) Live, learn, and explore exciting cities and college campuses in the US and Israel. I have heard from my BBYO friends from around the world that they had the time of their lives on Impact. For more information, go to bbyo.org/impact(insertcityhere)
PASSPORT-offers trips to Bulgaria, Central Europe, Western Europe (if you have any questions, please ask me, stacy heller, or alissa borowsky), Spain, Costa Rica, Italy, Israel, South Africa, and the West Coast. Also, March of the Living. There is honestly no better way to make lifelong friendships, and memories that you will never forget (I know it sounds cheesy, but its totally true). This is an opportunity that you shouldn't pass up. Its so great to go on a vacation with your friends. There are hundreds of scholarships out there as well!! check out the lovely promo :) (at 1:38 and 2:15 you can see me) :)
CLTC-Chapter leadership training conference is the starting point for AZA and BBG leaders. At CLTC, teens grow personally, explore their jewish identity, and learn specific skills to help them strengthen their chapters at home. I HIGHLY recommend this for newer members. Its such a treat to meet everyone from around the world who are in chapters just like Ahavah. and its only 2 weeks! If you're interested, go to bbyo.org/cltc

ILSI- Participants will interact with Israel's emerging leaders, and learn about Zionism, and the future of Israel! College credits are available! (sorry i don't know much about these)
to find out more, go to bbyo.org/ilsi
Feb 20, 2012
Say Shalom to your new International Board!
N'siah- Sarah Minion
S'ganit- Hilit Jacobson
MIT Mom- Emily Gorby
Mazkirah- Michaela Brown
Sh'licha-Andie Djamal
N'siah- Sarah Minion
S'ganit- Hilit Jacobson
MIT Mom- Emily Gorby
Mazkirah- Michaela Brown
Sh'licha-Andie Djamal
S*** people say at IC

"The water is yellow and the countries are blue... That throws me off."
"I saw a dog on a trampoline"
"BBG has given me the strength to be who I am today"
"The more you put into BBG the more you get out of it"
"Record breaking attendance!!"

"She's so cute"
"Omg I want your hair"
-"So what region are you from?"
-"Oh do you know Emily Kaplan?"
"I'm going to wait until you're quiet"
"I'm not listening to anything they're saying"
"We're all united"
"Stop eating before the prayer!!"
"Why did they give us rocks?"
"It does not stop here!"
"ugh I'm taking the stairs"
I hope all you ICers had as great of a weekend as I did :)
Top 10 reasons we wanted to go to IC
10. Chiddy Bang preformed!
9. We love GMR!
8. it's out of town!
7.GMR has some pretty cool ostrich suits (we saw them
while watching IC online!)
6. international NJBs
5. time with (part of) the amazing ahavah bbg!
4. GMR
3. international board elections
2. you get to meet people from around the world
1. it's the experience of a lifetime!!!
-Love Olivia R & Emily K
9. We love GMR!
8. it's out of town!
7.GMR has some pretty cool ostrich suits (we saw them
while watching IC online!)
6. international NJBs
5. time with (part of) the amazing ahavah bbg!
4. GMR
3. international board elections
2. you get to meet people from around the world
1. it's the experience of a lifetime!!!
-Love Olivia R & Emily K
Feb 12, 2012
Weekly Announcements!
Dia duit Ahavah!!!
I hope you all had a great Turnabout and a great weekend!
a few announcements for this week-
-There is a meeting at the JCC @ 7:00
**our lovely MIT momma has planned an awesome reeducation program
**we had a great turnout last week with dressing up in theme :) see how fun it it? This week's theme is MUSIC! so watch the Grammy's tonight and get inspired!
-Ari Marban's 17th birthday is tomorrow!!!
**happy birthday <3
-Our MBA Spa night still needs a host!!
**We should all be excited for the Ahavah spa night, focusing on our mind, our body, and our attitude.
**However, we have no where to have it! If you are interested, please contact Leah! (contact info found on the contact us! tab of the website)
**It is on Feb. 18th
Feb 19th-20th- BBYO connect 4th annual ski trip
** to Cascade Mt. Wisconsin, open to all Jewish 6th-12th graders, costs $175
**if you're interested, please contact Samantha at sisenstein@bbyo.org or 224.406.9261
** to Cascade Mt. Wisconsin, open to all Jewish 6th-12th graders, costs $175
**if you're interested, please contact Samantha at sisenstein@bbyo.org or 224.406.9261
Though this is in the future, I need to get y'all sásta (excited)!!!
Im sure you're all wondering why some of this email is in Irish. Its beccauuuuseeee....
The Taste of BBYO is coming up on March 18th at the Northbrook JCC
**Everyone will get the opportunity to get a 'taste' of what BBYO is like all over the world while eating awesome worldly foods.
**Ahavah will be representing the country IRELAND, and everyone can help out!
**We need people to help come up with recipes, cook, decorate our table, and find out stuff about BBYO in ireland. If you're interested let Jennifer know! (contact info in website)
For all the quirky girls in the chapter:
With undying love for:
Valentines day, Whitney Houston, owls, odyssey, tyler, and all of you,
i remain emma jane schneider (:
Dear Ahavah,
This year has been amazing! We have had so many amazing events and I can't wait for another one! I ahavah you more than you can imagine. Thank you for making my 8th grade year, my first year of bbyo, and my first invite AMAZING!
love, Olivia R.
Feb 10, 2012
MINUTES: Feb 8th
Date: February 8, 2012
Location: Buffalo Grove JCC
Starting Time: 7:15
Officer in charge of meeting: Beth Brownfield
Minutes taken by: Abbie Brenner
A. Shomerit Ha'brit: Mallory
Her words of wisdom: don't let the world define who you are, let yourself
define the world
B. Menorah Pledge:
Citizenship: bri Cole
Jewish Heritage: Emily Kopka
Community Service: Mallory Sherwood
Philanthropy: Alyssa Wexler
Inter-Faith Relations:Bekka Hamburg
Tradition: Molly Granoff
Good Sisterhood: Gabrielle Marzouk
Prayer for World Jewry: Lindsey Rabinowitz
C. Singing of the Hatikvah
-Motion to move into roll call
Question: what is your favorite physical feature about yourself?
Officer Present Voting
Gizborit 1
Sh'licha 1
Katvanit 1
Mazkirah 1
MIT Mom 1
S'ganit 1
N'siah 1
Total Present: 31
Total Voting: 31
Total Possible Votes: 31
Motion to move into Officer Reports: Sammi
Call: yes
Dissent? Alyssa Wexler: please don't do the hipster hands, it means vaj*yj*y in sign language
Auto: Pamela-invite
Pro: eve- beat korzcak
Con: Amanda- small mishap and rumors
Pro: Ariel- kicking entertainment and we were all together
Motion to move into New Business: Becky
Second: Eve
Call: yes
Dissent? No
Gizborit: taste of bbyo, we are ireland!
Katvanit: personals,
Mazkirah: personals, website, top tens
Sh'licha: stand up tumblr, today is tubishvat (new year of the trees)
MIT Mom: big sis little sis stuff
S'ganit: MBA event. Possible hosts: Lauren Baker
N'siah: tomorrow is gmr clothing day
-Motion to move into new business
New business- Emma won elmo, because she's super hipster.
Feb 5, 2012
Weekly Announcements!
Meeting this Wednesday at the JCC at 7:00
**this night will be a business meeting, but FULL of fun ice breaker type activities that you wont want to miss! for those who are new, sometimes the meetings have themes. I highly recommend you all dress up in theme for a chance to win Elmo for a week!! In honor of Elijah Aaron, this week's theme is: COOL HIPSTER!!! Toss on your odd glasses, a flannel shirt, fanny pack, and your all set!
Feb 9th is "Rep in your BBYO spirit day!"
ATTENTION TO ANYONE WHO WENT TO THE INVITE PREP AT BECKY'S: you must bring $4 for food costs to the meeting, or you may give it to someone on board at school.
We are looking for someone to provide their home for for our MBA (mind body attitude) spa night, on feb 18 th. especially if you have a hot tub :) contact Leah if your interested!
Please start sending in your top 10 list or personals to me or Abbie brenner to add them to the website.
Thanks y'all!
**this night will be a business meeting, but FULL of fun ice breaker type activities that you wont want to miss! for those who are new, sometimes the meetings have themes. I highly recommend you all dress up in theme for a chance to win Elmo for a week!! In honor of Elijah Aaron, this week's theme is: COOL HIPSTER!!! Toss on your odd glasses, a flannel shirt, fanny pack, and your all set!
Feb 9th is "Rep in your BBYO spirit day!"
ATTENTION TO ANYONE WHO WENT TO THE INVITE PREP AT BECKY'S: you must bring $4 for food costs to the meeting, or you may give it to someone on board at school.
We are looking for someone to provide their home for for our MBA (mind body attitude) spa night, on feb 18 th. especially if you have a hot tub :) contact Leah if your interested!
Please start sending in your top 10 list or personals to me or Abbie brenner to add them to the website.
Thanks y'all!
Feb 2, 2012
Feb 1, 2012
HEY EMMA! How do I get involved and contribute to the new website?
Great question! Here are some thoughts.
-Write a personal! (what's that?) A personal is just a little note you can write to anyone in the chapter. For example: Hey Emma! I really dig this new blog. Love, Elmo. I can post them right on the front page and they just make everyone happy :)
-Create a top 10 list! ("huh?" says the new member) Top 10 lists are a tradition of BBYO. Check out the photo gallery tab- I wrote my own top 10 about invite. I always look forward to reading those!
-Send in some cute pics! (of what?) BBYO stuff and the chapter looking cute :)
-Write a personal! (what's that?) A personal is just a little note you can write to anyone in the chapter. For example: Hey Emma! I really dig this new blog. Love, Elmo. I can post them right on the front page and they just make everyone happy :)
-Create a top 10 list! ("huh?" says the new member) Top 10 lists are a tradition of BBYO. Check out the photo gallery tab- I wrote my own top 10 about invite. I always look forward to reading those!
-Send in some cute pics! (of what?) BBYO stuff and the chapter looking cute :)
Ahavah fall term board, we will miss you!
Thanks for a wonderful term <3
I am so going to miss this board.
Send me your top 10 greatest fall term memories!
(to be posted on the blog)
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