May 6th is "Look Back, Walk Forward," the official teen walk for Israel. Bbyo is leading the program this year as a part of our J-Serve 2012 project. Register here:
The day begins at the Holocaust Museum in Skokie, with a program with Holocaust survivors, followed by a Walk with Israel from the museum to the Mayer Kaplan JCC. The walk starts at 11:15, but I HIGHLY recommend getting there at 9 for museum access or 10 for the Holocaust program. The day also includes advocacy programming, hands-on service projects, sports, food, and more!! (sorry the letters are all smushed together on the top)
Hayley supports breast cancer, so should you!!
click here to make a donation
and support her funds as she participates in the avon walk!
So Olivia is becoming a bat mitzvah in may! For her project, she is raising money and doing a 5K walk for Brain Tumor Awarness at Melrose Harbor in Chicago on May 12. Click here to register!!if you can't go but you would like to donate or see Olivia's team page, click Team Yvonne (on the left of her name). SHE REALLY HOPES YOU ALL CAN COME! comment if you can. It's going to be amazing!

philanthropy efforts that are meaningful to them, BBYO has
launched a campaign called Stand Up: BBYO’s Campaign For
Those in Need, aimed at getting teens involved locally with
partner organizations that support causes that matter most to
their communities".
Ahavah BBG chose the Lauri S. Bauer Foundation for Sudden Loss
as the stand up cause for this year. You can learn more at
In addition, Sammi made us a wonderful tumbler to keep up with our stand up cause!! You can check it out here!