I've got lots for you all to look forward to 
This weeks meeting is at Sammi & Sydney Roth's house.
(3000 Acacia Terrace, Buffalo Grove) @ 7:00
This Wednesday we will be celebrating Purim, eating hamentashens &
reading the Megillah!
We ask that you please bring an article of clothing that you are willing to donate!
What you bring should be clean! For each item of clothing you bring you will get one raffle ticket, for some great prizes.
Ahavah is excited to announce our T-shirt design contest!
if your interested, make up a cool design for an Ahavah T-shirt (front & back) and send it in to Jennifer.
We're looking forward to seeing them!
The taste of BBYO is coming up soon, March 18th at the Northbrook JCC,
and I hope you're all excited to represent Ireland!!
If you're interested in helping out with cooking, decorating, or setting up the table, contact Jennifer (contact info on the website) and fill out the form here.
**remember to invite family and friends!!!
Ice Skating & Broomball
No School on Pulaski Day? No Problem!
Open to all Jewish 6th-12th graders
When: Monday, March 5th 12:00-2:00pmWhere: Glacier Ice Arena
670 Lakeview Pkwy, Vernon Hills, IL
670 Lakeview Pkwy, Vernon Hills, IL
Cost: $16 for Pizza and Pop, broomball and ice skating equipment and rental
RSVP to Samantha by
Thursday, March 1st
For more information contact Samantha Isenstein:
(thank you, sunday scoop!)
Summer is quickly approaching, don't miss out on one of BBYO's excellent Summer Experiences. GMR has need and merit based scholarship funds for CLTC, ILTC & Kallah.
To apply, please fill out this application.
If your son/daughter registers for Impact: Chicago or Impact: DC, they automatically qualify for an Impact scholarship.
Check out our Programs!
Ben Kozberg
The end of the year is approaching, and Abbie is planning on making a fun yearbook for the chapter. if you are interested in helping out with the yearbook, or you want to make sure your favorite Ahavah memories are represented, please contact Abbie Brenner (contact info on website). Thanks!!!
Ahavah is beginning to plan a regional talent show!
If you're interested in preforming, feel free to start working on your act!
you can do things in a group, or on your own!
contact Jennifer if you are planning to preform.
This month is ADVISOR APPRECIATION MONTH! Check out the previous post about things we can do for Stacie, Hayley, & G-berg! <3
With undying love for asian babies, Jack White, my new Maz binder,
Tyler, my new baby cousin named Bowie, my family, my snuggly
schnauzer, and Ahavah BBG 2414,
i remain emma jane schneider
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